Monday, October 28, 2013

...remember shrinky dinks??

Since I was a kid, I've always had this little obsession with shrinky when I found that they actually still sold it..I was elated! I found all kinds, different colors, and different brands...I ordered mine online from Amazon. I prefer using the ones that are pre-sanded.

I got out my plethora of sharpies and went to town doodling. You can find images online to trace if you want..but I like using my own art. I doodled all over the 8.5x11 sheet of shrink plastic. Once I was done doodling in black, I started to fill in with color. 

Once I had ever ince covered..I then cut out different shapes...(remember that shrinky's shrink to about 30% of their original size) I trace various objects...plates, glasses..and even freehanded a few...after cutting them out..depending on what you plan to do with them, (I made earrings out of mine) you'll need to punch a hole in them with a hole puncher. 

I then lined a cookie sheet with vellum and laid each piece down, careful not to overlap them. (Shrinky's curl when you cook them and tend to move around) I bake mine @ 400 degrees for about 30 seconds...sometimes a little longer. 
You need to keep an eye on them as they cook..just so they don't overlap or stick to themselves. 

...and the finished product! There's alot of trial and error involved with Shrinky's, so be patient. It took me a bit to find a method that worked best for me.
I also like using Prisma Color Pencils to draw on the shrink plastic, but you'll definitely have to use the pre-sanded kind to make it stick. 

Have fun with whatever you create!

Ceydi's Senior Session

When this girl told me she was coming to Seattle to have me shoot her senior session...I was beyond elated! I'm sure you've seen the previous post from February (yes, it's been awhile since my last post) ...that she did a Refined Session with me. Like her last session, she rocked this one too. So proud of Ceydi and her accomplishments. Her heart for the Lord & for people at such a young age is just awesome. I can't wait to see her journey after high school begin and am excited to see where the Lord takes her. I love you Ceydi Marie!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Ms.Ceydi - Refined Session

I have been so excited to post this Refined session. She is an amazing young lady that I had the pleasure of getting to know while we served as youth pastors in Bend, Oregon. Her passion for the Lord is evident the moment you come in contact with her. She is such an encouragement to anyone that crosses her path. I am so excited to see where the Lord takes this girl…she has overcome so many adversities at such a young age, I know that she will not let anything come in between the plans that the Lord has for her life. Ms.Ceydi Marie..I love you girl and I am so grateful that the Lord brought our lives together..I love and miss you so much and am so proud of the amazing woman that you are becoming.

So here is Ms.Ceydi’s her words…

Hello, my name is Ceydi. I am 17 years old, a junior in high school, a sister to two and daughter to two, but not how you think. I have a earthly mother and a heavenly father, and the difference between my earthy father and my heavenly father is I didn't come to know my heavenly father and acknowledge him as my father until I was 11! Are you wondering what happened to my earthly father? Well he’s in heaven now with my other father! (confused yet?) 
Coming into this world I had it pretty good. My mom and dad were married with a son and a daughter from my dad’s previous marriage, a home, a good family, it seemed good. Well it didn't exactly stay that way.

My dad made some pretty bad decisions when I was about 2, my mom was heartbroken and lost, so she left him and started seeing a man that filled that void only to find out he would hurt her even more.
Then lost, hopeless and alone my mom found a quick fix in drugs, all the while breaking her back to raise and care for her 2 young children.
At my moms rock bottom my brother and I found ourselves placed in a foster home. We were placed with a young couple who had never been foster parents before. In the midst of the chaos my brother and I happened to find hope…a glimmer of light through a group of kids who met every Wednesday night to learn about a God who is forgiving, loving, merciful, gracious, kind, joyful, caring and so much more; and right there, after every stubbornness and hard headed battle that was in me…after many Wednesdays, I gave my whole self to Jesus Christ my Savior, Redeemer and loving Father.
My mom decided that she wanted to make a change in her life and went to treatment. After that …and from there on things just fell into place.
I gave my heart to the Lord in fifth grade, now in 11th, my mom is and has been clean since she completed treatment. She has a great job, we live in a beautiful home and are being blessed everyday!
God works in amazing ways, and He molded me from all the broken pieces laying astray and He is still adding colors to this piece of art!
The future holds so many exciting things and I know that God will lead me in the path He has planned for me my life…I just have to listen and follow.